Sunday 30 September 2018

Newsletter no. 8 Mon. 1 Oct. 2018

MON. 1 OCT. 2018

Mon. 1 Oct. (day 7) & Tues. 2  Oct. (day 8) : ISA testing days

Tues. 2 Oct. (day 8): Parent Band Workshop. Parents from 5CC, 5DH and 5KC are invited to attend from 8:40-9:00am in the ES Band Room.

Wed. 3 Oct. (day 1) is the ISA makeup testing day.
G5 students’ Melaka trip parent permission, emergency contact and medical  information form should be completed and returned to class teachers.

Thurs. 4 Oct. (day 2) & Fri. 5 Oct. (day 3): ES Parent Conferences. G5 students will be doing three-way conferences so students will also need to come with parents to the conference.

Thanks to all parents for returning your child’s parent permission, medical information and emergency contact form. I’m pleased to inform you that all 5DH students will be going on the trip this year. Shortly, we will begin the process of organizing the students’ hotel room assignments.

Here is the testing schedule for this Mon. and Tues:
Mon. 1 Oct. - day 7:
10:35-10:40: Orientation/students details
10:45-11:35: Math Literacy - Part 1
11:40-11:50: Break in classroom
11:55-12:30 Math Literacy - Part 2
12:35-1:25 Normal lunch break
1:35-2:15 Writing Task A (narrative/reflective)

Tues. 2 Oct. - day 8:
10:35-10:40: Orientation etc.
10:45-11:40 Reading
11:40-12:35 Normal program
12:35-1:25 Normal lunch break
1:35-2:10 Writing Task B (opinion)

To prepare for their three-way conferences, I would like 5DH students and parents to review their electronic work on their Google drive and student blog. They will also organize and reflect on some ‘pencil and paper’ baseline assessments and work samples and set goals for the rest of this semester - all will be included in a pink manila folder which will go home with the students on Mon. afternoon. My goal is for the students to show you their work in their pink manila folder during a ‘Home Learning Work Share’ this coming Mon. 1 Oct. OR Tues. 2 Oct. just prior to our three-way conference on Thurs. 4 and Fri. 5 Oct. Seeing your child’s work samples before our conference should ensure that you have an accurate picture of your child’s strengths and areas of challenge. The students will also create 4 personal goals and share them with you. At the conference, we’ll take a more detailed look at some work samples and assessments and look at your child’s goals, to see if they are the most appropriate goals for your child at this point in time. When you have completed the work share with your child, please complete the ‘Compliments/Concerns/Questions’ sheet and place it back in the pink manila folder. Please remind your child to return the pink manila folder with ALL the contents to class on the morning of Wed. 3 Oct. The contents of your child’s pink manila folder will help guide our conference, so it’s really important that each student returns their pink manila folder to me on Wed. 3 Oct.

Late last week, the students had a number of lessons where they took a reflective look at their assessments and key pieces of work completed since the school year began in early Aug. and then they decided on their four most important goals for the rest of this semester. Each student has chosen one goal each in reading, writing and math, and one goal for their Melawati Way/behavior/attitude in class, or during specials, on the playground, on the bus, in the hallways, in the canteen, at after school activities etc. During these lessons, I explained that goal setting is an important life skill, one that all adults are required to do, even teachers, parents etc. I shared my teaching goal for this year with the students and I also encourage you to share your work goal or goals with your child, so they are able to see a real world connection/purpose to the process of goal setting. At the ‘Home Learning Work Share on Mon. 1 Oct. or Tues. 2 Oct, I hope your child will share their goals with you. Please discuss your child’s goal choices with him or her. In particular, focus your discussion on the importance and appropriateness of your child’s goal choices. Are your child’s goal choices realistic in terms of their own self-awareness and honesty and do their goals match your perceptions of their strengths and areas they need to work on.  Students who were in our ES in G4 have experienced the goal setting process before. If your child is new to ISKL, this may be their first experience with setting his or her goals, so please be aware that he or she may not yet be able to select relevant and realistic goals. Please understand that honest personal reflection and accurate goal setting is just like any other learning experience, it’s a process, and it may take time before your child is able to create honest and appropriate goals for him or herself. Nevertheless, we’re giving it our best shot in fifth grade! Finally, you will notice there is space on the goal setting sheet for you and I to include our goals for your child, if their goals differ from ours. Thanks in advance for your support at home with this process.

Below are links to four interesting videos on ‘Growth Mindset’, which is very important in promoting your child’s learning. The students have seen and discussed the first video with me. Please use the language of growth mindset at home with your child so we are on common ground in supporting your child with the positive self-talk of the growth mindset. 

We often receive requests for access to ISKL documents, sites, Seesaw, and other resources from non-ISKL email addresses. To best protect ISKL and student information, it is our policy to only grant access to ISKL email address holders. Please sign into Panther Apps using your ISKL email address to access these resources. If you would like support with email and Panther Apps, please contact Steve Katz in the ES Technology office.

Language Arts: Reading, writing, speaking & listening:
Last week, the students continued reading and discussing their realistic fiction books in their book club groups, using thinkmarks to guide discussion. They also continued creating their own sequence brain frames to record the important events happening in their books. For writing, the students completed writing their opinion pieces, identifying themes, making a claim (opinion) and providing evidence to support their claim. The students also continued their year-long ‘Free Choice Writing Project’ where they continued the process of writing and publishing their own realistic or fantasy story on their laptops using a Google doc. Students were also involved in daily read-to-self sessions, where they worked on building their reading stamina. I also continued reading our read-aloud titled, ‘Home of the Brave’ by Katherine Applegate.

Last week, the students completed their first math unit titled, ‘Place Value and Whole Number Operations’. Lessons covered last week:
The students completed Lesson 12: Divide and Check 3, which also included an intro to the partial quotients division algorithm. They practiced dividing three and four digit numbers, initially by one digit divisors and then by two digit divisors.
They reviewed the unit.
They also completed the end of unit summative assessment.
Our next math unit, is titled: Unit 2: Adding & Subtracting Fractions. The students will begin the unit this week. 

Social Studies:
Last week, the students continued their second unit, titled, ‘Government’. They continued to look at three types of government in detail: monarchy, dictatorship and democracy. They used the Brainpop website to watch an animated video on democracy and they also used World Book for Kids online to read and take notes on monarchy and dictatorship. 

Counseling lessons with Stephanie Stone, our G3-5 Student Counselor, have started in G5. Stephanie took 5DH students for a lesson last Wed. morning from 8:00-8:30am. The lesson was on growth versus fixed mindset. Stephanie’s next lesson in 5DH will be this Mon. 1 Oct. from 8:30-9:00am and she will be back in class each day 7 at that time.

Tues. 9 Oct: Dr. Teh Kok Hoi presentation from 2:00-2:45pm in the G5 common area. Dr. Teh is the head paediatrician at KL Children’s Hospital Cancer Ward. He was not able to attend the SCMC on Thurs. 11 Oct. so we were able to book him earlier. Before Dr. Teh’s presentation at 2:00pm, I will share a slideshow with all G5 students from 1:30-2:00pm about our Sunday morning hospital visits, also in the G5 common area.More information will be sent home to you shortly.

Thurs. 11 Oct: Our first 6 presenters will present at our Social Change Maker’s Conference - SCMC. Our final 6 presenters will present on Thurs. 4 April 2019

Tues. 16 Oct: Final Melaka trip parent information letter will be sent home with your child.

Fri. 19 Oct: Next Red Hats Free Dress Day. Students can bring a RM5 donation.

Mon. 22 Oct: Faculty Inservice Day - no school for students

Tues. 23, Wed. 24 & Thurs. 25 Oct: G5 Melaka overnight trip:
5DH & 5KC will go on Tues. 23 & Wed. 24 Oct.
5CB, 5CC & 5JV will go on Wed. 24 & Thurs. 25 Oct.

Wed. 31 Oct: ES Halloween Dress-up Day

Mon. 5 Nov: No ES ASAs due to the Deepavali holiday the next day

Tues. 6 Nov: Deepavali holiday - no school

Fri. 9 Nov: ES International Fest Flag Parade, from 8:15-9:00am. Details TBA.

Sat. 10 Nov: International Fest at the ISKL Ampang Hilir Campus from 3:00-7:30pm. Details TBA

Wed. 14 Nov: Parent Workshop: ‘Learning in the ES’ from 8:15-9:45am. Details TBA.

Tues. 20 Nov: Prophet Mohammed’s Birthday holiday - no school

Fri. 23 Nov: Deepavali Cultural Day. Assembly from 10:50-11:30am

Fri. 30 Nov: Red Hats Free Dress Day. Suggested donation - RM5.
ES Semester 1 ASAs end

Until next week,

Best regards,         


Sunday 23 September 2018

G5 Weekly Newsletter

Weekly Newsletter Grade 5
Dates:  September 24-28, 2018

Dear Parents,

Curriculum Information for the Week:

Digital Literacy:
It takes a team to support our students as they learn to be educated, digital citizens. We are lucky to have Mr. Steve Katz as a resource for us. It is also important that you are talking with your child (in any language!) at home about the choices they are making online (this includes ISKL email). This week we reviewed with fifth graders on three important topics…
How to keep your passwords private (ONLY share with parents and teachers).
What to do if you come across inappropriate content online.
ISKL email is for school-related items. Students should not be chatting with each other through ISKL email. If you or your child needs support with other online communication options, please talk with your child’s teacher. 
Check out Common Sense Media for resources such as Here's the Secret to Raising a Safe, Smart Kid and other ways to support your 5th-grade digital citizen!

The students will continue to read and discuss their book club novels or short stories. They are using ‘thinkmarks’ to promote rich discussion about their books. They will continue to discuss connections, predictions, characters, setting and most importantly THEMES (life lessons). Most importantly, you can support by making sure that your child is reading for 30 minutes a day (365 days a year!) at home on a just right book (graphic novels/comics count!). 
During writing, the students will continue to work on making a claim (opinion) about a theme(s) of a short story and provide evidence from the story to support their claim. This practice will prepare the students for writing literary essays. 

The students will continue to work on using their basic division facts, extended division facts and dividing larger numbers by multiples of 10, 100, 1000 etc. to prepare them for using the partial quotients long division algorithm and solving division problems with double-digit divisors. This week we are finishing up our first unit of study. You can support by talking to your fifth grader about how they solve math problems (What strategy did you use?).

Unit of Study: 
The students will be introduced to various forms of government: monarchy, democracy dictatorship etc. and discuss the advantages and disadvantages of these government systems. This work helps us to explore the essential question: How does government affect people’s lives?

For more information and ways to support your child please visit the Parent Learning Connection page.

Important Reminders/Information:(also see GLC updates)

  • Picture Day is this week Monday, September 24: Individual Photos (Smart-Casual)
  • Wednesday, September 26: Class Photos (School Uniform)
  • Tuesday, October 2-Parent Band Workshop
  • Three Way Conferences on Thursday, October 4 and Friday, October 5, watch for your appointment time coming home this week.
  • G5 Melaka Trip Parent Information meeting and Q & A on Thursday October 11 from 9:15-9:45am in the ES Community Room. Parents are invited to attend. 
  • G5 Social Change Makers Conference will be on Thursday October 11. from 10:30am-12:30pm. A list of presenters will be available shortly. Parents are invited to attend.
  • G5 Melaka Trip First Parent Information Letter will be sent home with your child on Mon. 24 Sept. Please complete, sign and return the parent permission, medical information and emergency contact form by Wed. 3 Oct.  

Band Master Class continues:
Day 1-Flute
Day 2-Clarinet
Day 3-Saxophone
Day 4-Trumpet
Day 5-Trombone
Day 6-Baritone and Tuba
Day 7-Percussion

Highlight from Last Week:
RED HAT ROLE MODELS & LEADERS are everywhere at ISKL! Fifth graders were spotted…
-Collecting over RM2,000 for free dress day (money to be donated to a charity)
-Helping clean up the common area and outdoor playground
-Being role models throughout the hallways
-Choosing to be KIND

Newsletter no. 7 Mon. 24 Sept. 2018

MON. 24 SEPT. 2018

Mon. 24 Sept. - day 2: School photos week. 5DH students will have their individual photos taken from 11:15-11:35am. Students should wear smart casual clothes. School uniforms are also ok.
First Melaka trip parent information letter will be sent home with your child. The attached parent permission and medical/emergency information form should be completed and returned to class teachers by Wed. 3 Oct.

Tues. 25 Sept. - day 3:

Wed. 26 Sept. - day 4: 5DH students will have their class photo taken from 11:15-11:35am. If students have PE on this day they will also need to bring their school uniform to change into for the class photo.

Thurs. 27 Sept. - day 5:

Fri. 28 Sept. - day 6:

Mon. 1 Oct. - day 7 & Tues. 2  Oct. - day 8: ISA testing days

Tues. 2 Oct. - day 8: Parent Band Workshop. Parents from 5CC, 5DH and 5KC are invited to attend from 8:40-9:00am in the ES Band Room.

Individual student school photos will be taken by our professional photographer next week. 5DH students will have their individual photos taken on Mon. 24 Sept. from 11:15-11:35am. Students should wear smart casual clothes for the individual photos. They can come to school in their smart casual clothes and stay in them throughout the school day. All students must have their individual photos taken for ID and yearbook purposes, even if you choose not to purchase any photos. On Wed. 26 Sept. at the same time as above, the students will have their class photo taken. Students need to be in their school uniform for the class photo. Photo order forms will be sent home next week. Please make sure there is enough money in your child’s POS account to cover the cost of the photos you order.                                             

Our first parent information letter about the trip will be sent home with your child on Mon. 24 Sept. Please complete, sign and return the attached parent permission, medical information and emergency contact form to me by Wed. 3 Oct.

The ISA tests will be given to all students in grades 3-5 at the ES campus next Mon. 1 Oct. and Tues. 2 Oct. with a makeup day for students who are absent on the testing days on Wed. 3 Oct. However, if your child misses both testing days due to illness, they will not be expected to complete two days of testing on the one makeup day. Selected tests will be chosen by the classroom teacher. The test designer, ACER (the Australian Council for Educational Research), shares the following about the ISA: ‘The ISA assessment program is designed especially for students in international schools in grades 3 to 10. It is based on the internationally endorsed reading, mathematical literacy and scientific literacy frameworks of the OECD's Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA)’. Students will be in the testing process between 115 and 155 minutes each day.  Please make sure your child has a good night’s sleep, eats a healthy, substantial breakfast, and has can-do attitude about the ISA test. Your child does not need to prepare for this series of tests. The ISA tests are designed to assess your child’s accumulated concepts and skills in reading, writing and math, up to the time of taking each test. If you have any questions or would like to know more about the ISA, please contact Stephanie Stone, the Student Counselor for G4 and G5 – ( or consult the ISA website at
A detailed testing schedule will be communicated to you in next week’s newsletter.

Language Arts: Reading, writing, speaking & listening:
Last week, the students continued reading and discussing their realistic fiction books in their book club groups, using 'think marks' to guide discussion. They also began creating their own sequence brain frames to record the important events happening in their books. For writing, the students chose one of the topics below, or one of their own topics, and wrote an opinion piece in their notebooks:
Kids should have unlimited screen time.
Kids should have pocket money.
Students should not have to wear school uniforms.
All of this practice - identifying themes, making a claim (opinion) and providing evidence will help the students write a literary essay later in our first writing unit. The students also continued their year-long ‘Free Choice Writing Project’ where they continued the process of writing and publishing their own realistic or fantasy story on their laptops using a Google doc. Students were also involved in daily read-to-self sessions, where they worked on building their reading stamina. I also continued reading our read-aloud titled, ‘Home of the Brave’ by Katherine Applegate.

Last week, the students continued their first math unit titled, ‘Place Value and Whole Number Operations’. Lessons covered last week:
The students completed Lesson 9: Dividing by Multiples of 10
Lesson 10: Divide and Check 1
Lesson 11: Divide and Check 2 - both lessons 10 and 11 involved a lot of estimating division problems and checking estimations with multiplication.
Lesson 12: Divide and Check 3, which also included an intro to the partial quotients division algorithm.

Social Studies:
Last week, the students continued their second unit, titled, ‘Government’. The students started looking at these questions: What is government? How does government affect people’s lives? They reflected on the ‘Deserted Island Simulation’ and the need for groups to agree on how they will operate and who will be the leaders - otherwise chaos/anarchy reigns - as they found during the simulation. I also started reading and showing on the doc camera an excellent information book titled, ‘Who’s In Charge’, by Andrew Marr, which features various types of leadership and governments from both historical and contemporary perspectives. They looked at three types of government in detail: monarchy, dictatorship and democracy. This week, the students will begin to look at the type of government in their home country(ies) and the leaders. Shortly, the students will begin to look at the various waves of leaders and governments that came to power in Melaka and why Melaka was so important, historically.

Counseling lessons with Stephanie Stone, our G3-5 Student Counselor, have started in G5. Stephanie took 5DH students for a lesson last Wed. morning from 8:00-8:30am. The lesson was on growth versus fixed mindset. Stephanie’s next lesson in 5DH will be on ... Sept. and she will be back in class each day 7.


Mon. 1 Oct. & Tues. 2  Oct: ISA testing days

Tues. 2 Oct. - day 8: Parent Band Workshop. Parents from 5CC, 5DH and 5KC are invited to attend from 8:40-9:00am in the ES Band Room.

Wed. 3 Oct. - day 1 is the ISA makeup testing day.
G5 Melaka field trip parent permission and emergency information form should be completed and returned to class teachers.

Thurs. 4 Oct. - day 2 & Fri. 5 Oct. - day 3: ES Parent Conferences. G5 students will be doing three-way conferences so students will also need to come with parents.

Tues. 9 Oct: Dr. Teh Kok Hoi presentation from 2:00-2:45pm in the G5 common area. Dr. Teh is the head paediatrician at KL Children’s Hospital Cancer Ward. He was not able to attend the SCMC on Thurs. so we were able to book him earlier.

Thurs. 11 Oct: Our first 6 presenters will present at our Social Change Maker’s Conference - SCMC. Our final 6 presenters will present on Thurs. 4 April 2019

Tues. 16 Oct: Final Melaka trip parent information letter will be sent home with your child.

Fri. 19 Oct: Next Red Hats Free Dress Day. Students can bring a RM5 donation.

Mon. 22 Oct: Faculty Inservice Day - no school for students

Tues. 23, Wed. 24 & Thurs. 25 Oct: G5 Melaka overnight trip:
5DH & 5KC will go on Tues. 23 & Wed. 24 Oct.
5CB, 5CC & 5JV will go on Wed. 24 & Thurs. 25 Oct.

Wed. 31 Oct: ES Halloween Dress-up Day

Mon. 5 Nov: No ES ASAs due to the Deepavali holiday the next day

Tues. 6 Nov: Deepavali holiday - no school

Fri. 9 Nov: ES International Fest Flag Parade, from 8:15-9:00am. Details TBA.

Sat. 10 Nov: International Fest at the ISKL Ampang Hilir Campus from 3:00-7:30pm. Details TBA

Wed. 14 Nov: Parent Workshop: ‘Learning in the ES’ from 8:15-9:45am. Details TBA.

Tues. 20 Nov: Prophet Mohammed’s Birthday holiday - no school

Fri. 23 Nov: Deepavali Cultural Day. Assembly from 10:50-11:30am

Fri. 30 Nov: Red Hats Free Dress Day. Suggested donation - RM5.
ES Semester 1 ASAs end

Until next week,

Best regards,         


Monday 17 September 2018

G5 Weekly Newsletter

Weekly Newsletter Grade 5
Dates:  September 18-21, 2018

Dear Parents,

Curriculum Information for the Week:
The students will continue to read and discuss their book club novels or short stories. They are using ‘think marks’ to promote rich discussion about their books. They will continue to discuss connections, predictions, characters, setting and most importantly THEMES (life lessons). During writing, the students will continue to work on making a claim (opinion) about a theme(s) of a short story and provide evidence from the story to support their claim. This practice will prepare the students for writing literary essays later in the unit. 

The students will continue to work on using their basic division facts, extended division facts and dividing larger numbers by multiples of 10, 100, 1000 etc. to prepare them for using the partial quotients long division algorithm and solving division problems with double digit divisors.

Unit of Study: 
The students will be introduced to various forms of government: monarchy, democracy dictatorship etc. and discuss the advantages and disadvantages of these government systems. They will also work on types of government on their Home Learning Choice Board. 

For more information and ways to support your child please visit the Parent Learning Connection page.

Important Reminders/Information:(also see GLC updates):

  • No school this Monday 17 Sept. due to Malaysia Day holiday.
  • After School Activities continue on Tuesday 18 Sept.
  • G5 Social Change Maker’s Conference will be on Thurs. 11 Oct. from 10:30am-12:30pm. A list of presenters will be available shortly. Parents are invited to attend.
  • G5 Melaka Trip First Parent Information Letter will be sent home with your child on Mon. 24 Sept. Please complete, sign and return the parent permission, medical information and emergency contact form by Fri. 5 Oct.  

Band Master Class continues:
Day 1-Flute
Day 2-Clarinet
Day 3-Saxophone
Day 4-Trumpet
Day 5-Trombone
Day 6-Baritone and Tuba
Day 7-Percussion

Highlights from Last Week:
Hari Raya Cultural Day assembly and hallway activities were a great success last Friday!
MAP reading and math testing completed.

Newsletter no. 6 Mon. 17 Sept. 2018

MON. 17 SEPT. 2018


Mon. 17 Sept: Malaysia Day holiday - no school

Tues. 18 Sept. - day 6:

Wed. 19 Sept. - day 7:

Thurs. 20 Sept. - day 8:

Fri. 21 Sept. - day 1: Next Red Hats Free Dress Day. Students can bring a donation of RM5

Mon. 24 Sept: School photos week. 5DH students will have their individual photos taken from 11:15-11:35am. Students should wear smart casual clothes.

The semester 1 swimming program details have been sent to you and posted on the 5DH Class Blog on ‘Class Documents’ link.  I’ll also have the students write a reminder in their homework planners on the day before each lesson. All students are expected to participate in the swimming program. We regard learning to swim as an important life skill. If your child is unable to swim due to illness or  medical condition, please send your child’s PE teacher and I a note or an email message requesting your child be excused. On their swimming days, students are expected to bring the following in a waterproof bag: swim suit, towel, swim goggles (optional but advised) and sunscreen.

Individual student school photos will be taken by our professional photographer next week. 5DH students will have their individual photos taken on Mon. 24 Sept. from 11:15-11:35am. Students should wear smart casual clothes for the individual photos. They can come to school in their smart casual clothes and stay in them throughout the school day. All students must have their individual photos taken for ID and yearbook purposes, even if you choose not to purchase any photos. On Wed. 26 Sept. at the same time as above, the students will have their class photo taken. Students need to be in their school uniform, as usual, for the class photo. Photo order forms will be sent home next week. Please make sure there is enough money in your child’s POS account to cover the cost of the photos you order.

Many thanks to Nalini Krishnan and her team for organizing this year’s Hari Raya Cultural Day last Fri. which focused on the Malay cultural theme of Hari Raya and Merdeka (Independence Day). During the day, G5 students were involved in various Malay cultural experiences when they attended their art, music and PE specialist lessons. A highlight of the day was the ES-wide Hari Raya Assembly held in the ES Theater from 10:50 – 11:30 am, featuring a dance troupe performing various Malay dances. Students also experienced various cultural demonstrations and traditional food samples which were set up in the ES entrance foyer.                                               

Special thanks to Sarah Galvin (Chloe’s mum), Bart Field (James’ dad) and Mahetab Gamal Eldin Galal Abdelaziz (Adam’s mum) for volunteering to chaperone the class during the Melaka trip. Sarah, Bart and Mahetab will be coming with us on the bus. Other parents are welcome to travel to Melaka, however, you will have to travel by car (carpooling is a good idea) and book your own accommodation, either at Hotel Puri or another nearby hotel. Our first parent information letter about the trip will be sent home with your child on Mon. 24 Sept. Please complete, sign and return the parent permission, medical information and emergency contact form by Fri. 5 Oct.

Language Arts: Reading, writing, speaking & listening:
Last week, the students continued reading and discussing their realistic fiction books in their book club groups. For writing, I read a sophisticated picture story books titled, The Enemy’ by Davide Calli and Serge Bloch. The students wrote about the theme(s) of the book, made a claim and provided evidence. All of this practice - identifying themes, making a claim and providing evidence will help the students write a literary essay later in our first writing unit. The students also continued their year-long ‘Free Choice Writing Project’ where they continued the process of writing and publishing their own realistic or fantasy story on their laptops using a Google doc. Students were also involved in daily read-to-self sessions, where they worked on building their reading stamina. I also continued reading our read-aloud titled, ‘Home of the Brave’ by Katherine Applegate.

Last Mon. the students continued their first math unit titled, ‘Place Value and Whole Number Operations’. Lessons covered last week:
The students completed Lesson 7: Patterns in Division
Lesson 8: Estimating Quotients
Lesson 9: Dividing by Multiples of 10

Social Studies:
Last week, the students concluded their first social studies unit, titled ‘Red Hats: Leadership’ and they began unit 2 ‘Government’. The students completed their blog posts on Melati Wijsen’s (Wy-son) presentation and what it means to be a socially responsible global citizen, using evidence from Melati’s presentation. The students also started looking at these questions: What is government? How does government affect people’s lives? 

Counseling lessons with Stephanie Stone, our G3-5 Student Counselor, have started in G5. Stephanie will teach 5DH students from 8:30-9:00am each day 7. Stephanie’s first lesson in 5DH will be on Wed. 19 Sept.


Mon. 24 Sept: School photos week. 5DH students will have their individual photos taken from 11:15-11:35am. Students should wear smart casual clothes.

Wed. 26 Sept: 5DH students will have their class photo taken from 11:15-11:35am. If students have PE on this day they will also need to bring their school uniform to change into for the class photo.

Mon. 1 & Tues. 2  Oct: ISA testing days. Wed. 3 Oct. is the ISA makeup testing day.

Thurs. 4 & Fri. 5 Oct: ES Parent Conferences

Tues. 9 Oct: Dr. Teh Kok Hoi presentation from 2:00-2:45pm in the G5 common area. Dr. Teh is the head paediatrician at KL Children’s Hospital Cancer Ward. He was not able to attend the SCMC on Thurs. so we were able to book him earlier.

Thurs. 11 Oct: Our first 6 presenters will present at our Social Change Maker’s Conference - SCMC. Our final 6 presenters will present on Thurs. 4 April 2019

Fri. 19 Oct: Next Red Hats Free Dress Day. Students can bring a RM5 donation.

Mon. 22 Oct: Faculty Inservice Day - no school for students

Tues. 23, Wed. 24 & Thurs. 25 Oct: G5 Melaka overnight trip - details TBA

Until next week,

Best regards,         


Wednesday 12 September 2018

G5 Weekly Newsletter

Weekly Newsletter Grade 5
Dates:  September 12 - 14, 2018

Dear Parents,

Curriculum Information for the Week:
We have all begun our new novels or short stories. The students are now reading in groups and having wonderful discussions about their books. They are talking about connections, predictions, characters, and most importantly THEMES (life lessons). More to come on themes soon...

We will be continuing our work with multiplication, becoming more effective and accurate with multi digit problems.  We will also start reviewing long division and move towards solving problems with double digit divisors.

Unit of Study: 
Students will begin to understand that individuals have rights, responsibilities and roles in relation to broader society. We will discuss our deserted island simulations from early in the year and talk about the advantages of government systems. 

For more information and ways to support your child please visit the Parent Learning Connection page.

Important Reminders/Information: (also see GLC updates)
No school this Monday and Tuesday as we celebrate King’s birthday and Awal Muharam
After School Activities continue Wednesday September 12th
Social Change Maker’s Conference will be happening on Thursday October 11th
MELAKA 41 days away!!!!

Band Master Class continues:
Day 1-Flute
Day 2-Clarinet
Day 3-Saxophone
Day 4-Trumpet
Day 5-Trombone
Day 6-Baritone and Tuba
Day 7-Percussion

Highlights from Last Week:
The soccer field is ready! 
Melati Wijsen's visit

Tuesday 11 September 2018

Newsletter no. 5 Wed. 12 Sept. 2018

WED. 12 SEPT. 2018

Wed. 12 Sept. - day 3:

Thurs. 13 Sept. - day 4:

Fri. 14 Sept. - day 5: Hari Raya Cultural Day & Merdeka Celebration. Students are encouraged to dress in traditional Malay dress. Look for reused outfits on Want Ads and clothing for sale locally.

Mon. 17 Sept: Malaysia Day holiday - no school

One of our art teachers - Nalini Krishnan and her team - have organized this year’s Hari Raya Cultural Day, which is this Fri. 14 Sept. Typically, it’s a day of activities focusing on the Malay cultural theme of Hari Raya. During the day, G5 students will be involved in various Malay cultural experiences when they attend their specialist lessons. There will be an ES-wide Hari Raya Assembly held in the ES Theater from 11:00 – 11:40 am, featuring a dance troupe performing various Malay dances. Students will also experience various cultural demonstrations and traditional food samples - venues TBA - to be announced.                                                 

5DH HOME LEARNING EXPECTATIONS                                                                                        Since this school year started, G5 students have been expected to read each day for at least 30 min, including weekends and holidays, and also record their reading on a hard copy reading log, which should always be located in the student’s home learning zippered pocket. Since last week, students have also been expected to practice their typing skills at home on and practice their math facts and multiplication and division concepts on or Remember, students and parents can access current Home Learning instructions by clicking on the ‘Home Learning’ tab on the 5DH Class Blog. 

When you and your child are discussing their birthday party invitations, please be aware of our school policy on handing out party invitations at school. Your child can only hand out party invitations in class if all students in the class are invited to the party. It’s ok for you to decide who comes to the party. However, if you and your child are not planning to invite all students in the class, then invitations need to be sent out privately. This policy ensures that students who are not invited to a party do not have their feelings hurt unnecessarily.

As a reminder, students are not permitted to use their cell phones at school. If a student brings a cell phone to school, it must remain in his/her backpack all day. If you need to contact your child during the school day, please call the ES Office and they will take a message or put you through to our G5 Team Assistant - Shima - and she will relay your message to me and I will pass it on to your child. Equally, students are not permitted to use the school phone to call parents. If I think it’s necessary, Shima may call you on your child’s behalf if it’s an urgent matter. Otherwise, all play dates, sleepovers and pick up/drop off arrangement changes should be organized in advance.

Speaking of playdates and sleepovers in the previous item, please think about arranging an overnight playdate for your child before our overnight Melaka field trip in late Oct, especially if your child has not spent a night away from home before. Experience tells us that students will handle the overnight experience much better if they have had at least one previous sleepover.

One of our new student experiences on the Melaka overnight trip this year will be the elevated ropes course at Skytrex Melaka -
Students and adults will move through a number of stations comprising various rope challenges for approx. 2 hours. Our G5 students will participate in the ‘Pahlawan Thrill’ course, which is an intermediate course. While the students will be 5-10 meters off the ground, depending on the station, they will be securely harnessed to a safety cable at all times, so even if your child slips, there is zero chance of them falling to the ground. Given the height off the ground, some students may feel uncomfortable, so please let me know if your child experiences anxiety about heights. There is also a beginner’s course - ‘Little Dino’, so that could be an option for some students. Also, there is another Skytrex complex in Shah Alam on the other side of KL so it would be a good idea if you gave your child a prior experience there before we go to Melaka in late Oct. 

Language Arts: Reading, writing, speaking & listening:
Last week, the students continued working in their book club groups. The idea is similar to adult book clubs. Each book club is composed of 5 students on similar reading levels and they all read and discuss the same book over a number of weeks, depending on the book. The students use ‘think marks’ which are symbols to record their thinking about characters, plot, setting, themes etc. in their reading/writing notebooks and they share their thinkmarks at regular intervals when their book club group meets to chat about characters, events, setting etc. For writing, I read a sophisticated picture story books to the students, titled, ‘Ryan & Jimmy’ by Herb Shoveller, which is the story of Ryan Hreljac, a Canadian boy who started a foundation to fund and build wells in villages in Uganda. The students wrote about the themes of the book, made a claim and provided evidence. I also showed the students a youtube video featuring a young slam poet from Australia - Solli Raphael. The students watched Solli perform a poem titled, ‘We Can Be More’. Again, the students were asked to think of a theme, make a claim and write evidence from the poem to back up their claim. All of this practice - identifying themes, making a claim and providing evidence will help the students write a literary essay later in our first writing unit. The students also continued their year-long ‘Free Choice Writing Project’ where they continued the process of writing and publishing their own realistic or fantasy story on their laptops using a Google doc. Students were also involved in daily read-to-self sessions, where they worked on building their reading stamina. I also continued reading our read-aloud titled, ‘Home of the Brave’ by Katherine Applegate.

Last Mon. the students continued their first math unit titled, ‘Place Value and Whole Number Operations’. Lessons covered last week:
The students completed Lesson 5: Using the standard algorithm
Lesson 6: Using estimation as a check (intro to ‘ballpark estimate’)
Checkpoint (mini formative assessment)
Lesson 7: Patterns in Division 

Social Studies:
Last week, the students continued their first social studies unit, titled ‘Red Hats: Leadership’, which is an 4 week unit for G5. The students continued to discuss what it means to be a ‘socially responsible global citizen’. They prepared for Melati Wijsen’s (Wy-son) Presentation last Fri. by watching the ‘Bye Bye Plastic Bags’ TED Talk on youtube and they started a reflective piece of writing on Melati’s message and what it means to be a socially responsible global citizen, using evidence from Melati’s presentation.   

Counseling lessons with Stephanie Stone, our G3-5 Student Counselor, have started in G5. Stephanie will teach 5DH students from 8:30-9:00am each day 7. Stephanie’s first lesson in 5DH will be on Wed. 19 Sept. 

Fri. 21 Sept: Next Red Hats Free Dress Day. Students can bring a donation of RM5

Mon. 24 Sept: School photos week

Mon. 1 & Tues. 2  Oct: ISA testing days. Wed. 3 Oct. is the ISA makeup testing day. 

Thurs. 4 & Fri. 5 Oct: ES Parent Conferences

Tues. 9 Oct: Dr. Teh Kok Hoi presentation from 2:00-2:45pm in the G5 common area. Dr. Teh is the head paediatrician at KL Children’s Hospital Cancer Ward. He was not able to attend the SCMC on Thurs. so we were able to book him earlier. 

Thurs. 11 Oct: First 6 presenters will present at our Social Change Maker’s Conference - SCMC. Final 6 presenters will present on Thurs. 4 April 2019

Fri. 19 Oct: Next Red Hats Free Dress Day. Students can bring a RM5 donation.

Mon. 22 Oct: Faculty Inservice Day - no school for students

Tues. 23, Wed. 24 & Thurs. 25 Oct: G5 Melaka overnight trip - details TBA

Until next week,

Best regards,         


Monday 3 September 2018

G5 Weekly Newsletter

Weekly Newsletter Grade 5
Dates: September 3-7, 2018

Dear Parents,

Curriculum Information for the Week:
Literacy: In reader’s workshop, we will be learning about ways to record our thinking when reading texts so that we can provide evidence for our ideas.  We will practice having group discussions that are focused and keep the conversation going. Students will also begin taking the ideas they gather to write effectively about a text.

We will be continuing our work with powers of ten and move into multiplication, becoming more effective and accurate with multi-digit problems.  We will also start reviewing long division and move towards solving problems with double digit divisors.

Unit of Study:
Grade 5 will continue with the ideas of leadership that were presented during Red Hat training and start to look at the different forms of government.  We will look at how the structures of leadership change and the how that may affect the citizens in the community.

For more information and ways to support your child please visit the Parent Learning Connection page.

Important Reminders/Information: (also see GLC updates)
Please remember to bring a hat and water bottle on PE days.  The new artificial turf field is ready to use and PE classes will be going outside this week.  Hats are required when going outside.
After School Activities (ASAs) begin Monday, September 3.
MAP testing will take place this week:
Tuesday, September 4-Grade 5 MAP reading
Thursday, September 6-Grade 5 MAP maths
Friday, September 7-Guest speaker Melati Wijsen (Co-founder Bye Bye Plastic Bags) will present to G5 students in our common area from 1:30-2:15pm.

Band Master Class continues:
Day 1-Flute
Day 2-Clarinet
Day 3-Saxophone
Day 4-Trumpet
Day 5-Trombone
Day 6-Baritone and Tuba
Day 7-Percussion

Highlight from Last Week:
Thank you for attending Open House Parent Night. It was a wonderful opportunity to share information about Grade 5!
Free Dress Day was a roaring success as donations totalled over RM2,050. The newly crowned Red Hats did a wonderful job collecting money in the morning and 5JV were the lucky money counters. Our next Red Hat’s free dress day is September 21.

Sunday 2 September 2018

Newsletter no. 4 Mon. 3 Sept. 2018

MON. 3 SEPT. 2018

Mon. 3 Sept. - day 6: Semester 1 ASAs start at 2:45pm

Tues. 4 Sept. - day 7: G5 students will complete their MAP Reading test from 10:30-11:30am
PTA Meeting/HOS new campus update/Volunteer Fair, 9:30-11:30am, MPR 2/3.
Also G5 Parent Coffee Meeting, from 1:00-2.30pm.

Wed. 5 Sept. - day 8: Counselor Coffee Chat, "Managing Transitions," at 8:15am. Counselor Coffee chats are offered by ISKL's Counselors several times during the school year on topics relevant and current to supporting children both at school and at home.

Thurs. 6 Sept. - day 1:
G5 students will complete their MAP Math test from 10:30-11:30am

Fri. 7 Sept. - day 2: Melati Wijsen’s presentation to G5 students from 1:30-2:15 in the G5 common area

Mon. 10 Sept: King’s Birthday holiday - no school

Tues. 11 Sept: Awal Muharram holiday - no school

Thanks to parents who attended Open House last Tues. night. It was great to meet you or see you once again. Thanks for your support. I hope you found the evening informative and you enjoyed meeting the fifth grade team of teachers and exploring the 5DH classroom. The students really enjoyed receiving their notes from parents the next morning. It’s been a very busy start to the school year for all concerned and I understand if you were not able to make it on the night. If you were not able to make it or you would like to review our presentation, I have posted it on the 5DH Class Blog. Click on ‘Class Documents’ to find it: ‘G5 Open House 2018-2019’.

I’d like to thank both Anne Marie Godin - James’ mum - and Sarah Galvin - Chloe’s mum - for stepping up to be our 5DH Room Parents this year.
Anne Marie’s email address is -
Sarah’s email address is -

A reminder to send your name and cell phone number to Sarah Galvin so she can create our 5DH class Whatsapp group. Once the group is created, parents can then start using it for a variety of reasons, including organizing play dates, sleepovers etc. which will be very important preparation for our overnight trip to Melaka in late Oct.   

A reminder that all G5 students need to have their instruments each Monday afternoon from Mon. 3 Sept. for their G5 Band ASA from 2:45 - 3:45pm. Students will be allowed to take home their instruments for practice from Fri. 7 Sept. 

All G5 students will complete two computer-based standardized MAP (Measures of Academic Progress) tests on the class laptop computers, as part of our annual MAP student assessment program. All students will be tested on their reading and math concepts. Here are the dates and times for 5DH students so please mark your calendars:
Reading - Tues. 4 Sept. from 10:30-11:30am 
Math - Thurs. 6 Sept. from 10:30-11:30pm
As occurred last year, the students will take MAP tests twice: in Aug. 2018 and towards the end of April/early May 2019. MAP test results will be available to teachers for instructional purposes. Results will be communicated to parents and will be made available to you electronically. The students do not need to prepare for their MAP tests. The tests measure each student’s accumulated conceptual development up to the point of taking each test. Please ensure your child has a good night’s sleep the night before the scheduled tests as well as a good breakfast. Don’t stress if your child is absent on one or more of the testing days due to illness. We have organized for G5 students to complete any missed tests on Wed. 12 Sept. 

As was mentioned at Open House last Tues. night, we are rolling out the G5 Home Learning Choice Board from this Mon. Students and parents can check out the weekly home learning choice board by clicking on the ‘Home Learning’ link on the 5DH Class Blog.

This week, the students will begin using an online computer keyboarding program titled, ‘Typing’ -  The beauty of this program is that the students can log on to the website at home and practice at their leisure. Each student has their Panther Apps login details glued in their homework planners, which is what they need to login to the website. In order for the students to become adept keyboarders in terms of their speed and accuracy, research shows that the students must memorize the ‘QWERTY’ keyboard, use the ‘home row’ typing technique and look at the screen, not the keys. To help the students with the above, their hands need to be covered when they’re typing. At school, the students will be using plastic keyboard covers. At home, the students could use a ‘tea towel’ or ‘hand towel’, which can be folded to cover their hands. If you’re not familiar with the term, a tea towel is a cotton cloth used to dry dishes. Please keep an eye on your child’s keyboarding technique and remind them to not ‘hunt and peck’ the keys with one or two fingers. Thanks in advance for your support with this request.   


As we mentioned at Open House last Tues. night, ‘Trash Free Birthdays’ is an ES-wide initiative that helps us to ‘take care of this place’ (an important part of the Melawati Way) and make our school practices more environmentally sustainable. Click on the link below to learn more.
Trash Free Fridays
The link contains ideas and suggestions on how you and your child can reduce the amount of packaging in your child’s snacks and lunches, which reduces the amount of trash going into local landfills and therefore protects the environment. Please have a chat with your child about product packaging and the reasons why a trash free lunch is best for the environment. We would also like to see all student’s birthday celebrations at school become trash free. Please think twice before bringing/sending along individually wrapped cupcakes, goody bags, boxed drinks etc. that typically have loads of packaging, as these items cannot be reused or recycled and end up in landfills. There are plenty of nutritious and trash free alternatives to consider when thinking about how to celebrate your child’s birthday at school. Thanks in advance for your consideration.

On this Fri. 7 Sept. we are excited to announce that Melati Wijsen will present to our G5 students in the G5 common area from 1:30-2:15. My wife - Julie James - our HS GAP Director - has been able to organize Melati and her mother to visit ISKL and present to our ISKL students. Melati and her sister Isabel attend the Green School in Bali. In 2015, when they were around 12 years old, the sisters decided to stand up for the environment and campaign against single use plastic bags in Bali. They initiated a program titled ‘ Bye Bye Plastic Bags’. They promoted the program on this TED Talk so please watch it to give yourself some background knowledge and to promote discussion with your child before Melati’s visit. The Wijsen sisters are role models for our students on their quest to become ‘socially responsible global citizens’, keywords in our ISKL Mission Statement. 

Language Arts: Reading, writing, speaking & listening:
Last Mon. the students began working in their first book club groups. The idea is similar to adult book clubs. Each book club is composed of 5 students on similar reading levels and they all read and discuss the same book over a number of weeks, depending on the book. The students use ‘think marks’ which are symbols to record their thinking about characters, plot, setting, themes etc. in their reading/writing notebooks and they share their thinkmarks at regular intervals when their book club group meets to chat about characters, events, setting etc. On Wed. The students also continued their year-long ‘Free Choice Writing Project’ where they continued the process of writing and publishing their own realistic or fantasy story on their laptops using a Google doc. Students were also involved in daily read-to-self sessions, where they worked on building their reading stamina. I also continued reading our read-aloud titled, ‘Home of the Brave’ by Katherine Applegate.

Last Mon. the students continued their first math unit titled, ‘Place Value and Whole Number Operations’. Lessons covered last week:
The students completed Lesson 2: Powers of 10, Lesson 3: Estimating Products and
Lesson 4: Area Model & Standard Algorithm (method)

Social Studies:
Last week. the students continued their first social studies unit, titled ‘Red Hats: Leadership’, which is an 4 week unit for G5. The students discussed the ISKL Mission which focuses on students becoming ‘socially responsible global citizens’ and they began a reflection on what that statement means to them. 

Last Mon. Steve Katz worked with new 5DH students on setting up their student blogs. 

Counseling lessons with Stephanie Stone, our G3-5 Student Counselor, will begin during the next 8-day cycle which begins this Thurs.  6 Sept. Stephanie will teach 5DH students from 8:30-9:00am each day 7. Stephanie’s first lesson in 5DH will be on Wed. 19 Sept.

Fri. 14 Sept: Hari Raya Cultural Day & Merdeka Celebration. Students are encouraged to dress in traditional Malay dress. Look for reused outfits on Want Ads and clothing for sale locally.

Mon. 17 Sept: Malaysia Day holiday - no school

Thurs. 4 & Fri. 5 Oct: ES Parent Conferences

Thurs. 11 Oct: First 6 presenters will present at our Social Change Maker’s Conference - SCMC. Final 6 presenters will present on Thurs. 4 April 2019

Mon. 22 Oct: Faculty Inservice Day - no school for students

Tues. 23, Wed. 24 & Thurs. 25 Oct: G5 Melaka overnight trip - details TBA

Until next week,

Best regards,         


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