Monday 27 August 2018

G5 Weekly Newsletter

Weekly Newsletter Grade 5
Dates: August 27-31, 2018

Dear Parents,

Curriculum Information for the Week:
Literacy: We will soon begin book clubs! During this unit students will be reading novels, short stories and sophisticated picture books.  Students will participate in whole class discussions as well as book clubs. Discussions will focus on connections, predictions, characters, and most importantly THEMES (life lessons).

We will be continuing our work with place value.  Classes will apply their knowledge of the place value system to multiplication.  We will begin with the area model, solidifying the conceptual learning and understanding prior to moving on to the traditional algorithm.

Unit of Study:
Grade 5 will continue to learn being role models and leadership.  Being part of a community is a big responsibility.  Classroom discussions will identify roles of leaders as well as the roles and responsibilities of citizens. This will lead us into global citizenship and the importance of making positive change.

For more information and ways to support your child please visit the Parent Learning Connection page.

Important Reminders/Information: (also see GLC updates)

Grade 5 schedules have been adjusted by 30 minutes.
Students will have lunch recess 12:35-1:00 and lunch 1:00-1:25

Band Master Class is from 12:20-12:50.

Day 1-Flute
Day 2-Clarinet
Day 3-Saxophone
Day 4-Trumpet
Day 5-Trombone
Day 6-Baritone and Tuba
Day 7-Percussion
Day 8-No Master Class

Tuesday, August 28-Parent Orientation for Grade 5

Friday, August 31-No School-National Day.

After School Activities begin Monday, September 3.

Highlight of the week:
Grade 5 students all earned their Red Hats!

Sunday 26 August 2018

Newsletter no. 3 Mon. 27 Aug. 2018

MON. 27 AUG. 2018

Dear Parents,

Mon. 27 Aug. - day 2: Welcome Back Assembly in the ES Theater from 11:00-11:30am

Tues. 28 Aug. - day 3: G3-5 ES Open House, 6:30-8:30pm. See below for details.

Wed. 29 Aug. - day 4:  You will receive your child’s ASA confirmations
PR-G2 Open House, 6:30-8:30pm.

Thurs. 30 Aug. - day 5:

Fri. 31 Aug: Merdeka Day holiday (Malaysia’s Independence Day) - holiday - no school

Mon. 3 Sept. - day 6: Semester 1 ASAs Program commences.
MAP Testing program window opens - more details to follow

Each afternoon after lunch since the school year started, G5 students and teachers have been meeting in the G5 common area for various team building and Red Hat’s leadership activities. The students have been involved in a variety of teacher-led learning experiences promoting their leadership and role model status in the school, in addition to some team building/group problem solving activities. Last Fri. all G5 students completed a very successful and enjoyable Red Hats Leadership Training Program. At 1:30pm, our Principal - Julie Olson - and our Assistant Principal - Azra Pathan, presented the students with their new red hats. The students recited the Red Hats Pledge and were asked to take their hats home to show parents over the weekend and return them to school on Mon. where they should remain. The students also took home a Red Hats Pledge sheet which needs to be read and signed by each student and a parent and returned to school on Mon. Also last Fri. the students were asked to complete a short Red Hats Training Program Reflection on a Google doc. which will be uploaded to their student blog when complete.

The schedule for both days of Open House is:

  • All parents meet in the Melawati Theater at 6:30.
  • Introductions of faculty.
  • All parents are released to their child's common area at 6:40.
  • 6:40 - 6:45 Passing time for parents to Grade level commons area.
  • 6:45 - 7:15 First information session for grade levels.
  • 7:15 - 7:20 Passing time for parents.
  • 7:20 - 7:50 Second information session for grade levels.
  • 7:50 - 8:15 Time for parents to visit specialists.  
  • 8:15 - 8:30 Time to say good night and exit campus.
Due to the length of time between snack and lunch recess for G2 students (4 hours), the ES Admin. has decided to make some changes to the ES schedule. From Mon. 27 Aug. - day 2 - the G5 lunch recess will change to 12:35-1:00pm. G5 lunch in the cafeteria will follow straight after recess from 1:00-1:25pm. Band Master Classes have moved to 12:20-12:50pm and library times have been pushed back to 1:30-2:00 on days 3 and 7. The changes has been made on the 5DH Schedule on the 5DH Class Blog under ‘Class Documents’. The students have glued a new schedule inside the back cover of their home learning planners and they also took home an A4 copy of the schedule for their bedrooms as some students requested this. Thanks for your understanding.

Language Arts: Reading, writing, speaking & listening:
Last week, the students were reminded of the importance of choosing ‘just right’ books to read at home and school and to do daily home reading for 30 minutes each day including weekends and holidays. They also had several extended read-to-self sessions where they read books of their choice from the class library, from home or from the ES Library and worked on building their reading stamina. I also introduced the students to the year-long ‘Free Choice Writing Project’ where they planned their own realistic fiction or fantasy story using a ‘story arc/mountain’ graphic organizer. Some students have begun to write/type their first free choice story on their laptops using a Google doc.  I also continued reading our read-aloud titled, ‘Home of the Brave’ by Katherine Applegate. The students are really enjoying the book. This week, the students will begin daily typing practice from 7:55 - 8:10am using the program. The students are also encouraged to practice their typing skills at home using their Panther Apps login details, which are stored in their home learning planners.

Last Mon. the students began their first math unit titled, ‘Place Value and Whole Number Operations’. Lessons covered last week:
Lesson 1: Multiplying multi-digit numbers by multiples of ten
Intro. Lesson 2: Representing Powers of 10 with whole number exponents by looking at place value.

Social Studies:
Last week. the students continued their first social studies unit, titled ‘Red Hats: Leadership’. Here is the unit description: ‘In this unit, students will explore the concept of leadership and governance. Students begin by having 3 weeks to focus on the Red Hats and Service Learning. Students understand that becoming a global citizen involves conscious duties and responsibilities. Students will culminate this unit by creating posters about what global citizenship is and why it’s important that will remain posted in the school community throughout the year.’

On Thurs. 6 Sept. which is a day 1, from 8:30-9:00am, Mrs. Stephanie Stone, our G3-5 Student Counsellor, will conduct her first guidance lesson. Stephanie will return to our class each day 7 at the same time for her once every 8-day cycle guidance lesson.

Band Master Classes started last Fri. with our Music/Band teacher: Kim Endel. Students attend their band master class from 12:45 - 1:15pm on the following days:
Day 1: flute, day 2: clarinet, day 3: saxophone, day 4: trumpet, day 5: trombone, day 6: baritone & tuba and day 7: percussion. There will be no Band Master Class on day 8. If students need to take home their instruments for practice, they also need to return them on their Master Class day and also on their Band lesson days on days 1, 5 and 8. Once the ASA program begins, all G5 students will also need their bring their instruments on Monday afternoons.


Tues. 4 Sept: PTA Meeting/HOS new campus update/Volunteer Fair, 9:30-11:30am, MPR ⅔. Also G5 Parent Coffee Meeting, from 1:00-2.30pm (Room to be confirmed).

Wed. 5 Sept: Counselor Coffee Chat, "Managing Transitions," at 8:15am. Counselor Coffee chats are offered by ISKL's Counselors several times during the school year on topics relevant and current to supporting children both at school and at home.

Fri. 7 Sept: Melati Wijsen’s presentation to G5 students - Mon. 6 Sept. 1:00-1:45 in the G5 common area

Mon. 10 Sept: King’s Birthday holiday - no school

Tues. 11 Sept: Awal Muharram holiday - no school

Fri. 14 Sept: Hari Raya Cultural Day & Merdeka Celebration. Students are encouraged to dress in traditional Malay dress. Look for reused outfits on Want Ads and clothing for sale locally.

Mon. 17 Sept: Malaysia Day holiday - no school

Thurs. 4 & Fri. 5 Oct: ES Parent Conferences

Thurs. 11 Oct: First 6 presenters will present at our Social Change Maker’s Conference - SCMC. Final 6 presenters will present on Thurs. 4 April 2019

Mon. 22 Oct: Faculty Inservice Day - no school for students

Tues. 23, Wed. 24 & Thurs. 25 Oct: G5 Melaka overnight trip - details TBA

Until next week,

Best regards,         


Wednesday 22 August 2018

G5 Weekly Newsletter

Weekly Newsletter Grade 5
Dates: August 20-24

Dear Parents,

Curriculum Information for the Week
Readers Workshop will focus on how students grow as readers. In order to grow, readers choose strategies such as building stamina, monitoring their reading and taking the time to reflect and goal set. One strategy is using thinkmarks to keep track of their thinking while reading. This week students are expected to keep track of their reading as well as their THINKING!

Place value and powers of ten will be the focus this week. Students will notice patterns and basic fact multiplication, using arrays, area model and algorithms.

Unit of Study:
Grade 5 classes will continue to participate in Red Hat team building activities focusing on the importance of collaboration, and what it means to be a role model and leader. The week will culminate with students receiving their Red Hats, taking on the role of leaders in the Elementary division of our Ampang Hilir Campus.

For more information and ways to support your child please visit the Parent Learning Connection page.

Important Reminders/Information (also see GLC Updates)
Tuesday, August 21-Welcome Back Assembly, 11:00-11:30 am - postponed
Wednesday, August 22-No School-Hari Raya Haji
Friday, August 24-Red Hat Free Dress Friday -RM5 donation for students
Friday, August 24-ASA registration closes

A Highlight from the Week
Red Hat Training Days were great fun! New students are not “new” anymore! We are ALL a part of the ISKL Ampang Hilir community!

Newsletter no. 2 Mon. 20 Aug. 2018

MON. 20 AUG. 2018

Dear Parents,

The first four days of the new school went very well last week. I’m enjoying the experience of working with the students. They are a very enthusiastic, inclusive and collaborative group. There are 21 students in the class: 8 girls and 13 boys. I have a strong feeling it’s going to be a successful year for the class and for each individual student. Thanks in advance for your interest and support.

Mon. 20 Aug. - day 6:

Tues. 21 Aug. - day 7:

Wed. 22 Aug: Hari Raya Haji holiday - no school

Thurs. 23 Aug. - day 8:

Fri. 24 Aug. - day 1: First Red Hats’ Free Dress Day. Students can bring a RM5 donation. This money will be tallied, totalled and donated to a local community support organization which works closely with Grade 5. We will send Red Hats to grade level common areas from 7:30-7:50am with baskets/boxes to collect donations.
G5 students will be presented with their new red hats by our ES Principal - Julie Olson - from 1:30-2:00pm in the G5 common area.
You have until 10:00pm to log onto PowerSchool and sign up your child for their semester 1 after school activities (ASAs).

Sat. 25 Aug: Faculty Inservice Day

I’d like to welcome 5 new students and their families to 5DH and the ISKL ES :
Chloe Galvin from Australia, Ziqi Du from China, Emily Kang from South Korea, Adam Kruit from Egypt and The Netherlands, and James Field from Canada.

Please let me know via email if you would like to ‘throw your hat in the ring’, as the 5DH Room Parent for this school year.

At the moment, the students have access to an outdoor space on level 3 - playground A, which is on the same level as the G5 area and the cafeteria. Playgrounds B and C - also on level 3 - are still under construction and eventually will have an Astroturf surface so the students can play soccer, basketball and other ball games. The students can also use the G5 common area for board games, reading, drawing, paper construction etc. Students are supervised at all times in these playground spaces. Later this week, G5 students will also be able to go to the library for lunch recess on odd-numbered days. Our school nurse is keeping a close eye on the air quality and when necessary, the students will not use playground A if the air quality is deemed not suitable for outdoor play. 

Last week  the students completed the Math Baseline Common Assessment. This week the students will complete a reading and a writing assessment and new students will be tested to find their current reading level. All of these assessments are designed to help me to get to know your child as a learner.

Some students still need to bring to school a packet of thin assorted color felt markers (Sharpie is one brand name you can buy at local bookstores, but other brands are ok too), a pencil case, a cushion and some students also need to bring a refillable water bottle and hat. Remember to clearly label your child’s materials, including their school and PE uniforms, with their name and class.

Each school year thousands of items of students’ belongings find their way to our ES lost and found area. Please take the time to label each of your child’s belongings with their name and class in a permanent marker. When student belongings are labeled in this way, they are almost always returned to the child.

All students have returned their ‘Acceptable Use Policy’ (AUP) forms. Thanks for returning the form so quickly.

Many thanks to the parents who have already completed and returned the ‘Getting to Know Your Child’ Student Background Questionnaire sent home last Tues. If you haven’t yet done so, please try to complete and return it by this Fri. The information you provide will help me fast track getting to know your child.

All G5 students now have access to their school Panther Apps email addresses. Our new students have also set up their student blogs with the help of Steve Katz, our Info. Lit. teacher, will be speaking to the students shortly about appropriate use of email. Initially, G5 students will only be able to send email to and receive email from other Panther Apps users. If students can use their Panther Apps email appropriately, they will get access to sending external emails later in the year.

Specialist teacher classes began last Wed. 15 Aug. - day 3 of our 8-day rotating schedule. The students have PE with Mr Tim Pettus, Ms Amy Simpson, Ms Jenn Collins and Ms Gail Smith. They have Art with Ms Amy Moretti, Band with Ms Kim Endel, Informational Literacy (Info. Lit.) with Mr Steve Katz, Spanish with Ms Miriam Alvarado or Mr Jorge Arismendi and Mandarin with Mr Li Yan or Ms Ivy Qian.

A reminder that G5 students should wear their PE uniform to school from Mon. 20 Aug. and whatever day they have PE thereafter. Depending on their World Language assignment, students will be going to PE on odd days or even days of the schedule from 9:05-9:50am on the daily schedule. Students have recorded their PE and World Language days in their home learning planner to help them remember their individual days and their teacher’s names. Students  should also bring their school uniform polo shirt and school shorts (or skorts for girls) to change into after their PE class. Packing a small towel is also a good idea. Students are also required to take their hats and water bottles to PE lessons.

As you know, you can contact me via my ISKL Panther Apps account at
Please keep me informed on your child’s absences and copy messages to our school nurse Bethanie Christensen at Please also notify me of any changes to your child’s transport arrangements (copy me on any emails to the ES Bus Office - - and of course I welcome feedback on my newsletters. The ISKL Administration and Tech. Dept. request that parents use their ISKL parent Panther Apps email accounts as your primary email address for all school communication. If parents prefer to use another address then we encourage those parents to forward their Panther Apps mail to it. For ease and efficiency of communication we would like to standardize Panther Apps as ISKL's primary parent communication vehicle.

All parents have been sent details on how to sign your child(ren) up for the first semester After School Activities (ASA) Program. From Mon. 13 Aug. until Fri. 24 Aug. at 10:00pm,  you can log onto PowerSchool and sign up your child for their activities. If you don’t have access to the internet at the moment, then please email/call/see Jessie Leong in the Melawati Office for help with the sign-up process. You will receive your child’s ASA confirmations on Wed. 29 Aug. and the ASA Program commences on Mon. 3 Sept.

Language Arts – writing, spelling, reading, speaking and listening:
We started the school year last Tues. morning with a lot of discussion and questions on class and school routines, class expectations and labeling and sorting the students’ school materials & supplies. The students were also involved in a “Getting To Know You Circle’, where they introduced themselves to each other: name, home country/countries, family, holiday highlight and any questions. I also began reading our first class read-aloud titled, ‘Home of the Brave’ by Katherine Applegate. The students also visited the library last Wed. for their first book check out session. The students will visit the library every day 3 from 1:00-1:30 for a library lesson and each day 7 at the same time for book checkout. Each afternoon last week 1:00 - 2:00pm, all G5 students were involved in our Red Hats leadership training and team building program in the G5 common area. The program will continue each day this coming week at the same time. All G5 students will be presented with their red hats at the final Red Hats training session later this week on Fri. 24 Aug.

Last week for math, the students played games of the strategy dice game, ‘Yahtzee’ in groups of 3-4. The students also completed their math baseline common assessments. They also completed a baseline math concepts test, which tests their knowledge and retention of concepts and skills from 4th grade. All G5 students will be tested so that we can get a clear picture of each child’s strengths and areas for improvement at the beginning of the school year. This week, the students will begin our first math unit: ‘Place Value and Whole Number Operations’.

Amy Schneider, our G5 LR (Learning Resource) Teacher, conducted a lesson titled, ‘What kind of smart are you?’ last Thurs. morning, where the students delved into the theory of multiple intelligences, by Howard Gardner, a renowned researcher from Harvard University in the USA. Students identified if they felt they were word smart, music smart, nature smart, humor smart, people smart, picture smart, body smart, tech. smart and number smart. They also identified a couple of ‘smarts’ they wished they were.

Andrea Bongazone, our G5 EAL support teacher, conducted a lesson titled ‘Compass Points’ last Wed. The students had the opportunity to write any questions they have on post-it notes, which will be answered in the next few days North (What do you Need to know?),  East (What Excites you about this year?), South (What Suggestions do you have for our class, grade level, this year etc) and West (What Worries you at the moment?).

Steve Katz, our Information Literacy (Info. Lit.) teacher, also conducted an intro. lesson on laptop care and the AUP (Acceptable Use (of Tech.) Policy) last Tues. from 9:00 - 9:30am. Shortly, the students will be introduced to the computer keyboarding program -, which they will practice on at school over the next few weeks to improve their keyboarding technique, accuracy and speed. The students may also practice their keyboarding skills at home using this website.

Tues. 28 Aug: G3-5 ES Open House, 6:30-8:30pm. Details TBA

Wed. 29 Aug: - You will receive your child’s ASA confirmations
PR-G2 Open House, 6:30-8:30pm. Details TBA

Fri. 31 Aug: Merdeka Day holiday - no school

Mon. 3 Sept: semester 1 ASAs Program commences.

Fri. 7 Sept: Melati Wijsen’s presentation to G5 students - Mon. 6 Sept. 1:00-1:45 in the G5 common area

Mon. 10 Sept: King’s Birthday holiday - no school

Tues. 11 Sept: Awal Muharram holiday - no school

Mon. 17 Sept: Malaysia Day holiday - no school

Thurs. 4 & Fri. 5 Oct: ES Parent Conferences

Thurs. 11 Oct: First 6 presenters will present at our Social Change Maker’s Conference - SCMC. Final 6 presenters will present on Thurs. 4 April 2019

Mon. 22 Oct: Faculty Inservice Day - no school for students

Tues. 23, Wed. 24 & Thurs. 25 Oct: G5 Melaka overnight trip - details TBA

Until next week,

Best regards,         


Newsletter no. 1 Mon. 13 Aug. 2018

MON. 13 AUG. 2018

Dear Parents,

As you know, I’m your child’s new fifth grade class teacher. I enjoyed meeting many of you today in the classroom at the ‘Meet the Teacher’ visit. I’m looking forward to an enjoyable and busy day with the class tomorrow as well as an enjoyable and productive year with your children. By the way, tomorrow, Tuesday, will be day 2 on our new 8-day rotating schedule. Over the coming weeks the process of getting to know each student and the class as a whole will continue, as well as getting to know our way around our wonderful new Ampang Hilir campus. I’m still getting lost! This new campus is huge! 

The purpose of this newsletter is to introduce myself to you, inform you briefly of my teaching and family background and also inform you of some specific class organizational issues for this school year. On the 5DH Class Blog, please look for links to the 5DH Class List and the 5DH daily schedule. Please note the class schedule may change as the school year proceeds.

I am an Australian, originally from the city of Warrnambool, in the state of Victoria. The 2018-2019 school year will be my 14th school year at ISKL. I have a Diploma of Teaching (Primary) certificate and a Bachelor of Education (Primary) degree, both from Deakin University in Victoria. I also have a Master of Education (Educational Administration) postgraduate degree from The University of Adelaide, in South Australia. In 2015, I also completed a Principal’s Training Center Certificate in the USA in International School Leadership.

Prior to starting at ISKL in July 2005, I owned and managed a restaurant business in my home city, Warrnambool, for 18 months. Prior to that change of career direction, I worked in primary schools in Victoria, Australia and international schools for over 30 years. I was a fourth and fifth grade classroom teacher for 11 years at Jakarta Intercultural School (JIS) from 1992 – 2003, at the Pondok Indah Elementary School (PIE) campus. During my time at PIE, I also had stints as the fourth and fifth grade Grade Level Coordinator/Team Leader.

Prior to JIS, I taught in the state education system in Victoria for 13 years. I was the Principal of Ellerslie Primary School from 1987 – mid-1992. I’ve had a wide range of teaching experiences from large city schools/international schools, to small rural schools. I’ve taught at all levels of the primary/elementary school, from prep. to grade 6. I’ve also had some experience teaching humanities and PE to middle school and high school students from grades 6-10.

My wife - Julie James - is the ISKL Global Action Program (GAP) Director in the HS for grades 9-11 and she also teaches two tenth grade English classes. Julie moved to ISKL from JIS just over 10 years ago where she was the High School Activities Director. Julie spent 22 years at JIS. I have two children from a previous marriage. My 23-year-old daughter, Isabella, lives in Budapest, Hungary, where she attends university. I also have a 28-year-old son, Luke, who lives and works in Melbourne, Australia. I also previously lived and worked in Malaysia for three years at The Royal Australian Air Force School, Penang, from 1984 – 1986. My personal interests are reading, traveling and keeping fit. I also enjoy watching most sports, particularly football – Aussie rules of course, cricket, tennis, golf and rugby.

If you are interested in being the 5DH Room Parent this year, please let me know via email. If we have two parents interested, then perhaps we could have a ‘Room Parent Team’.

Our PTA Vice President (VP) for the ES this year is Rebecca (Bec) Hilton. Her email is under Rebecca but she goes by Bec. John Beattie is our G5 Grade Level Coordinator - GLC.
I’m looking forward to working with both Bec and John this year.

If your child has their own cell phone, the school policy is that ES students should not have their cell phones at school. If you need to contact your child at school you can call the fifth grade team assistant, Ms Shima, in the G5 team room and she will relay your message to me. In an emergency you can call me direct or send me a text message. My cell phone number is 017 232 7950.

Click on the ISKL Home Learning Guidelines which were created in the 2016-2017 school year. From today, all G5 students are expected to read daily for 30 min, including weekends, for 30 min. Research states that reading is the single most valuable skill that crosses boundaries and benefits the child in their academic, social and emotional world. At ISKL, we would like to foster this love of reading so it becomes a part of your child’s daily life enjoyment. Reading from books as well as various electronic sources is allowed. Students are required to record their daily home reading in a reading log, which will be provided. From next week, the students will also receive a weekly math review sheet at the start of each school week which is expected to be completed and turned in each Friday morning. To keep themselves organized, the students will record daily reminders in their home learning planner. When ready, weekly home learning instructions will be posted on the 5DH class blog.

At various times during the school day, the students will sit on the carpet in the classroom for reading, class meetings, group work etc. and also the fifth grade common area for grade level assemblies. In order for the students to be comfortable, I would like each student to bring a small cushion from home. It would be great if the students had a cushion of their own by the end of next week. It will be each student’s responsibility to take care of their own cushion. The students will be able to take their cushions home at the end of the school year.

The students have been issued with a basic set of supplies and materials paid for from their tuition fees. All you will need to do is ensure your child has a set of thin felt markers. For example, a set of 12 ‘Sharpie’ fine point permanent markers is a good idea and so is a pencil case to put them in. Of course each student will also need a backpack, a hat and a refillable water bottle. All of your child’s clothing and materials should be clearly and permanently labeled with their name and class, especially their school and PE uniform items. Your child’s hat and water bottle should always stay at school in your child’s cubby, as these items are required each day, especially during PE lessons and recess times.

You can expect a class newsletter from me each week of the school year. Each Sunday afternoon/evening or Monday morning at the latest, I’ll send an email to your Panther Apps email account containing a link to the 5DH Class Blog. Please read my class newsletters each week because they will contain lots of useful information, including a list of what’s happening for the week and reminders of upcoming events etc. 

As well as communicating with me through your child’s home learning planner, my preferred mode of communication is via email. I will attempt to reply to your question or concern within 24 hours. I plan to use parents’ Panther Apps email addresses. Parents - please check your Panther Apps email at least on a daily basis, as it is one of our most important means of communication. Of course, phone calls and text messages are also ok, either before or after school.

Please make sure your child is aware of the following information: For whatever reason, students who are late must sign in at the ES Office where their attendance will be recorded.  Students should not go straight to their classroom until they have received an admit slip from the office. If a student shows up late to class without an admit slip, our Team Assistant will have to bring the student to the office to receive the admit slip. If a student is late (after 7:55 am), they will not be admitted to class without an admit slip.

When emailing the ES Bus Office, please cc me so I’m aware of any changes to your child’s transport arrangements.

When emailing me about your child’s illness/absences, please cc our school nurse - Bethanie Christensen -

Whenever you are on campus, please be aware you should be wearing your parent ID card and lanyard. Teachers and staff have also been instructed to wear their IDs at all times. Parents have been issued with yellow lanyards, teachers and staff with dark blue, vendors/service providers will be issued with red lanyards and visitors with white lanyards. If you see a visitor on campus without their ID lanyard, please report them to the security guard house at the front of the school. In addition, teachers have been instructed by the Admin. Team to put in place safety procedures for students using the bathrooms. Starting from day 1, students will be allowed to go to the bathroom in pairs. Students will sign out and back into class on one of the classroom whiteboards, so I will know their whereabouts at all times.

Steve Katz, our Information Literacy (Info. Lit.) Teacher, took the students for a lesson on the school’s ‘Acceptable Use Policy’ (AUP) on technology use this morning at our grade level assembly in the common area. No student can use any of the school’s tech. devices before the AUP is read and signed by both students and parents, so please complete and have your child return the form as soon as possible.   

Today your child will take home a ‘Grade 5 Student Background Questionnaire’ sheet. Thanks in advance for completing and returning the sheet over the next few days. The information you provide will help me fast track getting to know your child. If you prefer, you can also send me your responses via email rather than responding on the attached sheet.

The settling in process will continue over the next few weeks, as the students get to know me and adjust to my teaching style, and I get to know the students, both as individuals and as a group. It’s also a huge task for the students (and also teachers) to get to know their way around the new campus. Today, I spoke to the students about change and how important it is to accept and adjust to change as it occurs constantly throughout our lives. I also spoke to the students about our school’s ethos: the Melawati Way: taking care of yourself, others and this place, our behavior expectations in the classroom, in specialist teacher classes, in the studio, in the canteen, on the playground, in the corridors and stairways and in the bathrooms. Eventually, I expect all 5DH students to adjust well to our new school, to me, their classmates and their new class and school routine. However, it will take some students longer than others, particularly if they are new to the school. If you have any concerns about your child’s adjustment, or any questions that haven’t been covered in this newsletter, please do not hesitate to contact me by phone or email. In the meantime, if I have not met you already, I look forward to meeting you sometime over the next few weeks, especially at Open House on either 28 or 29 Aug. from 6:30 - 8:30pm. I hope by working together with your child we can have a very productive, successful and happy year. Just like you, I have your child’s best interests at heart.

Best regards,


Mon. 13 Aug. - day 1 of our rotating 8-day schedule and first day of the 2018-2019 school year. Abbreviated school day in the ES from 10:00am - 1:30pm.

Tues. 14 Aug. - day 2: 1. Red Hats Leadership Training and team building activities for all G5 students will begin today from 1:00-2:00pm in the G5 common area and continue each school day until Fri. 24 Aug. All G5 students will receive their new and improved red hats on the final session on Fri. 24 Aug.
2. Later this week, the students will also complete a number of baseline assessments on their reading (new students only), writing and math concepts.

Wed. 15 Aug. - day 3:

Thurs. 16 Aug. - day 4:

Fri. 11 Aug. - day 5:

Mon. 14 Aug. - day 6:

Tues. 15 Aug. - day 7:

Wed. 16 Aug. - day 8:

Thurs. 17 Aug. - day 1:

Fri. 18 Aug. - day 2:

Wed. 22 Aug: Hari Raya Haji holiday - no school

Sat. 25 Aug: Faculty Inservice Day

Tues. 28 & Wed. 29 Aug: - ES Open Houses, 6:30-8:30.

Fri. 31 Aug: Merdeka Day holiday - no school

Fri. 7 Sept: Melati Wijsen’s presentation to G5 students - Mon. 6 Sept. 1:00-1:45 in the G5 common area

Mon. 10 Sept: King’s Birthday holiday - no school

Tues. 11 Sept: Awal Muharram holiday - no school

Mon. 17 Sept: Malaysia Day holiday - no school

Thurs. 4 & Fri. 5 Oct: ES Parent Conferences

Thurs. 11 Oct: First 6 presenters will present at our Social Change Maker’s Conference - SCMC. Final 6 presenters will present on Thurs. 4 April 2019

Mon. 22 Oct: Faculty Inservice Day - no school for students

Tues. 23, Wed. 24 & Thurs. 25 Oct: G5 Melaka overnight trip - details TBA

Until next week,

Best regards,         


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