Sunday 26 August 2018

Newsletter no. 3 Mon. 27 Aug. 2018

MON. 27 AUG. 2018

Dear Parents,

Mon. 27 Aug. - day 2: Welcome Back Assembly in the ES Theater from 11:00-11:30am

Tues. 28 Aug. - day 3: G3-5 ES Open House, 6:30-8:30pm. See below for details.

Wed. 29 Aug. - day 4:  You will receive your child’s ASA confirmations
PR-G2 Open House, 6:30-8:30pm.

Thurs. 30 Aug. - day 5:

Fri. 31 Aug: Merdeka Day holiday (Malaysia’s Independence Day) - holiday - no school

Mon. 3 Sept. - day 6: Semester 1 ASAs Program commences.
MAP Testing program window opens - more details to follow

Each afternoon after lunch since the school year started, G5 students and teachers have been meeting in the G5 common area for various team building and Red Hat’s leadership activities. The students have been involved in a variety of teacher-led learning experiences promoting their leadership and role model status in the school, in addition to some team building/group problem solving activities. Last Fri. all G5 students completed a very successful and enjoyable Red Hats Leadership Training Program. At 1:30pm, our Principal - Julie Olson - and our Assistant Principal - Azra Pathan, presented the students with their new red hats. The students recited the Red Hats Pledge and were asked to take their hats home to show parents over the weekend and return them to school on Mon. where they should remain. The students also took home a Red Hats Pledge sheet which needs to be read and signed by each student and a parent and returned to school on Mon. Also last Fri. the students were asked to complete a short Red Hats Training Program Reflection on a Google doc. which will be uploaded to their student blog when complete.

The schedule for both days of Open House is:

  • All parents meet in the Melawati Theater at 6:30.
  • Introductions of faculty.
  • All parents are released to their child's common area at 6:40.
  • 6:40 - 6:45 Passing time for parents to Grade level commons area.
  • 6:45 - 7:15 First information session for grade levels.
  • 7:15 - 7:20 Passing time for parents.
  • 7:20 - 7:50 Second information session for grade levels.
  • 7:50 - 8:15 Time for parents to visit specialists.  
  • 8:15 - 8:30 Time to say good night and exit campus.
Due to the length of time between snack and lunch recess for G2 students (4 hours), the ES Admin. has decided to make some changes to the ES schedule. From Mon. 27 Aug. - day 2 - the G5 lunch recess will change to 12:35-1:00pm. G5 lunch in the cafeteria will follow straight after recess from 1:00-1:25pm. Band Master Classes have moved to 12:20-12:50pm and library times have been pushed back to 1:30-2:00 on days 3 and 7. The changes has been made on the 5DH Schedule on the 5DH Class Blog under ‘Class Documents’. The students have glued a new schedule inside the back cover of their home learning planners and they also took home an A4 copy of the schedule for their bedrooms as some students requested this. Thanks for your understanding.

Language Arts: Reading, writing, speaking & listening:
Last week, the students were reminded of the importance of choosing ‘just right’ books to read at home and school and to do daily home reading for 30 minutes each day including weekends and holidays. They also had several extended read-to-self sessions where they read books of their choice from the class library, from home or from the ES Library and worked on building their reading stamina. I also introduced the students to the year-long ‘Free Choice Writing Project’ where they planned their own realistic fiction or fantasy story using a ‘story arc/mountain’ graphic organizer. Some students have begun to write/type their first free choice story on their laptops using a Google doc.  I also continued reading our read-aloud titled, ‘Home of the Brave’ by Katherine Applegate. The students are really enjoying the book. This week, the students will begin daily typing practice from 7:55 - 8:10am using the program. The students are also encouraged to practice their typing skills at home using their Panther Apps login details, which are stored in their home learning planners.

Last Mon. the students began their first math unit titled, ‘Place Value and Whole Number Operations’. Lessons covered last week:
Lesson 1: Multiplying multi-digit numbers by multiples of ten
Intro. Lesson 2: Representing Powers of 10 with whole number exponents by looking at place value.

Social Studies:
Last week. the students continued their first social studies unit, titled ‘Red Hats: Leadership’. Here is the unit description: ‘In this unit, students will explore the concept of leadership and governance. Students begin by having 3 weeks to focus on the Red Hats and Service Learning. Students understand that becoming a global citizen involves conscious duties and responsibilities. Students will culminate this unit by creating posters about what global citizenship is and why it’s important that will remain posted in the school community throughout the year.’

On Thurs. 6 Sept. which is a day 1, from 8:30-9:00am, Mrs. Stephanie Stone, our G3-5 Student Counsellor, will conduct her first guidance lesson. Stephanie will return to our class each day 7 at the same time for her once every 8-day cycle guidance lesson.

Band Master Classes started last Fri. with our Music/Band teacher: Kim Endel. Students attend their band master class from 12:45 - 1:15pm on the following days:
Day 1: flute, day 2: clarinet, day 3: saxophone, day 4: trumpet, day 5: trombone, day 6: baritone & tuba and day 7: percussion. There will be no Band Master Class on day 8. If students need to take home their instruments for practice, they also need to return them on their Master Class day and also on their Band lesson days on days 1, 5 and 8. Once the ASA program begins, all G5 students will also need their bring their instruments on Monday afternoons.


Tues. 4 Sept: PTA Meeting/HOS new campus update/Volunteer Fair, 9:30-11:30am, MPR ⅔. Also G5 Parent Coffee Meeting, from 1:00-2.30pm (Room to be confirmed).

Wed. 5 Sept: Counselor Coffee Chat, "Managing Transitions," at 8:15am. Counselor Coffee chats are offered by ISKL's Counselors several times during the school year on topics relevant and current to supporting children both at school and at home.

Fri. 7 Sept: Melati Wijsen’s presentation to G5 students - Mon. 6 Sept. 1:00-1:45 in the G5 common area

Mon. 10 Sept: King’s Birthday holiday - no school

Tues. 11 Sept: Awal Muharram holiday - no school

Fri. 14 Sept: Hari Raya Cultural Day & Merdeka Celebration. Students are encouraged to dress in traditional Malay dress. Look for reused outfits on Want Ads and clothing for sale locally.

Mon. 17 Sept: Malaysia Day holiday - no school

Thurs. 4 & Fri. 5 Oct: ES Parent Conferences

Thurs. 11 Oct: First 6 presenters will present at our Social Change Maker’s Conference - SCMC. Final 6 presenters will present on Thurs. 4 April 2019

Mon. 22 Oct: Faculty Inservice Day - no school for students

Tues. 23, Wed. 24 & Thurs. 25 Oct: G5 Melaka overnight trip - details TBA

Until next week,

Best regards,         


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